Monday, September 8, 2008

September's Newsletter

I Hope everyone had a wonderful summer. Now it’s time to get to business with the trails already!! At the August meeting Dave Smith noticed that the Griffith bridge needs more rubber but the structure is good. The area is also getting tore up by four wheelers.

If you have a daughter that would like to run for AWSC Miss Snowflake, please contact Julie Kreutzer at 325-3903.

The groomer is here! Earth Design picked it up for us for the cost of fuel plus $300.00. We purchased insurances for the groomer for $500.00 a year. We ended up borrowing $20,000 for the groomer with a 15 year loan at 6 ¼ %. The rest of the cost came out of the club’s savings. Our old groomer is for sale, if you know of anyone who would be interested in it let us know!
We will be purchasing a GPS unit to put into the new groomer.

At the August meeting we did some fund raising brainstorming and had lots of ideas. Join us at the September meeting to discuss our fund raising ideas.

There will not be a Central Wisconsin Snowshow this year. Instead we will maybe do something with Donahue Super Sports & Country Sports with their season kick offs.

We have invited bar & business owners to our next meeting to discuss the grooming of the unfunded trails going to their establishments.

Club dues will be going up this year. They will be a $30.00 flat fee per married family with dependant children up to age 21.

Calendar of events
Sept. 8
– Wood County alliance meeting, 7:30pm, Sherryland Ballroom
Sept. 11 – Club meeting 7:00 pm, The Ridges
Oct. 6 – Wood County alliance meeting, 7:30 pm, Sherryland Ballroom
Oct. 9 – Portage County alliance meeting, Jordan Park, Stevens Point
Oct. 10 – Club meeting 7:00 pm, The Ridges
Oct. 24, 25, 26 – AWSC Workshop in Stevens Point. More details to come
Nov. 3 – Wood County alliance meeting, 7:30 pm Sherryland Ballroom
Nov. 13 – Club meeting 7:00 pm, The Ridges
Nov. 18 – Portage County alliance meeting, Jordan Park, Stevens Point
Dec. 1 – Wood County alliance meeting, 7:30 pm, Sherryland Ballroom
Dec. 11 – Club meeting & Christmas Party, 7:00 pm