Monday, August 4, 2008

August's Newsletter

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! Hopefully with all the rain we've had this year that'll be a sign of a nice snowy winter.

Just a couple things to note for this month. Take note that the next regular meeting is Thursday, Aug. 14 at 7:00 p.m. at The Ridges. In previous newsletters it was marked as the 7th.

Don't forget about the campout August 8, 9, 10 at the Oakwood Campsites in Wildrose. Come and camp or just stop out for a visit. Call the campground for availability at, 920-622-4361.

We'd like to give a big thank you to Buzz's bar for donations at the landowners appreciation dinner.

The groomer has landed!!! Come to the meeting Thurs. Aug. 14th for more information! See you there!